Anxiety and Depression as a Complex Disorder

Anxiety and depression are mood disorders that have complex aetiologies and complex progressions. Anxiety is defined as a feeling of unease. Depression is defined as a low mood. Both disorders can persist for a period of time, and have no obvious cause. One common misconception about anxiety and depression is that they are each a single disorder. In fact there are different types of anxiety and different types of depression and they can be caused by many different factors. The implication of this is that there is not a single treatment for anxiety and not a single treatment for depression. In fact the treatment for anxiety and depression may relate directly to the type of anxiety or depression that has developed, and how that came about. The treatment that can be effective also depends on the severity of the mood disorder and how long it has been present. Treating mood disorders is therefore difficult and a certain amount of trial and error with treatment protocols is often required.  

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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