Apples and Their Beneficial Effects on Blood Glucose Levels

Elevated levels of blood glucose are detrimental to the health because the glucose is able to shift metabolic activity in a direction that favours adipose tissue accumulation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance. These effects can in turn lead to a significant increase in the risk of a number of Western lifestyle diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. One solution to this problem is to consume a diet that allows the maintenance of a lower and more consistent blood glucose level. Fibre is particularly good in this role as it inhibits the glucose from making contact with the required transporters on the gut lining, and this delays the absorption of the glucose to the blood. Pectin is a fibre found in fruit that has been shown to be highly beneficial in this regard, and studies have investigated a number of different fruits for this beneficial effect. For example, apples have been shown to significantly low blood glucose absorption in humans because of the pectin fibre they contain. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Inoue, Y., Cormanes, L., Yoshimura, K., Sano, A., Hori, Y., Suzuki, R. and Kanamoto, I. 2022. Effect of Apple Consumption on Postprandial Blood Glucose Levels in Normal Glucose Tolerance People versus Those with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Foods. 11(12): 1803

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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