The Best Supplement For Joint Pain?

There are a number of supplements that are currently available that claim to be beneficial for joint pain. Of these, perhaps the most well known are glucosamine sulphate, bromelain and ginger. Glucosamine was originally thought to help regenerate the joint tissue by providing the building materials for new cartilage. However, it may be that glucosamine sulphate acts as an antiinflammatory. This makes logical sense as both bromelain and ginger are also antiinflammatory supplements that have been shown to help joint pain. However, these supplements are perhaps not as effective as vitamin D in its ability to aid with skeletal health and bone development and regeneration. Tablets and capsules of vitamin D appear effective in preventing joint pain, but far more effective is obtaining sunlight on the skin. Of all the supplements vitamin D is perhaps the most efficacious in this regard because it is a hormone that is required for correct calcium uptake to bone tissue. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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