Apples and Pears for Weight Loss

Fruit has been shown to possess a number of health benefits. These benefits are thought to derive from the antioxidant, vitamin, minerals and fibre contained within fruit. However, fruit is also high in sugars including sucrose and fructose, and both of these sugars have been shown to contribute to insulin resistance and weight gain. One caveat to this is that different fruits contain different ratios of nutrients to sugars and some fruit may be less damaging than others. For example, apples and pears are high in fibre and lower in sugar than some other fruits, and this may make the balance of benefits higher. For example, in one study, researchers investigated the weight loss experienced by women who followed a high apple and pear diet compared to a high oat diet. After 12 weeks the apple and pear group had lost significantly more weight compared to the oat group. In addition, the apple and pear group had significantly lower blood glucose levels. Lastly, the adherence to the diet was high suggesting it may have been easy to follow.   

Eat Well. Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


De Oliveira, M.C., Sichieri, R. and Moura, A.S. 2003. Weight loss associated with a daily intake of three apples or three pears among overweight women. Nutrition. 19(3): 253-256

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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