Rose Hips as A Treatment for Depression

Depression is often associated with a number of chronic diseases. Diabetes is one such disease where patients are at a higher risk of developing depression. Treatment strategies surrounding depression therefore have not only to consider the defects to the insulin system, but also any underlying mood disorders. Evidence suggests that certain phytochemicals may be useful in the treatment of depression. The rose hip tree, also called the dog rose, may be one such treatment. In one study, researchers administered post-flowering rose hip extract to diabetic mice and then exposed them to experimental stress to induce despair. The results of the study showed that the rose hip extract was able to significantly reduce the depressive-like symptoms in the animals and was also able to attenuate the reductions in memory that accompany this behaviour. Rose hip extracts may therefore be a useful treatment against mood disorders, and could potentially be used to treat depression associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes. 

rose hip mood depression anxiety

As well as reducing depressive-like symptoms in diabetic rats, rose hip extracts may also increase total antioxidant capacity in rat tissue. This in turn may reduce the levels of oxidised fats in the brains of rats. Rose hip extracts therefore have a positive effect on the brain’s tissues and may reduce the risk of long term chronic brain dysfunctions, including mood disorders.

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Farajpour, R., Sadigh-Eteghad, S., Ahmadian, N., Farzipour, M., Mahmoudi, J. and Majdi, A. 2017. Chronic administration of Rosa canina hydro-alcoholic extract attenuates depressive-like behavior and recognition memory impairment in diabetic mice: a possible role of oxidative stress. Medical principles and practice, 26(3): 245-250

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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