Quercetin as an Antiviral

Quercetin is a flavonol that belongs to the larger phytochemical category of the flavonoids. Flavonoids are polyphenols as their structure is that of a number of phenolic rings. These rings give flavonoids antioxidant properties, and it is for this that they have been extensively researched. However, flavonoids may also have some other interesting properties including activity against viruses. Virus “biology” is not fully understood, but a number of diseases are attributed to the presence of virus particles. One such disease is influenza, an upper respiratory tract infection disease that causes significant mortality, particularly in the elderly. Quercetin may confer protection against influenza because it may inhibit or slow entry of influenza infectious particles into cells, perhaps via inhibition of the HA2 subunit. Including quercetin rich food such as onions into the diet, or taking a quercetin supplement, may therefore be a useful strategy to protect from the damaging effects of certain diseases that affect humans. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Wu, W., Li, R., Li, X., He, J., Jiang, S., Liu, S. and Yang, J. 2016. Quercetin as an antiviral agent inhibits influenza A virus (IAV) entry. Viruses. 8(1): 6

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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