L-Lysine Against Herpes Simplex Virus

L-lysine is an amino acid that is essential in human nutrition. Failure to obtain the required daily intake results in disease and death. A number of specific therapeutic roles have been identified for L-lysine and its use against the herpes simplex virus is fairly well established. Taking L-lysine regularly may prevent the development of cold sores that are caused by the herpes simplex virus. In addition, taking L-lysine may speed the recovery from cold sores as well as suppress roccurance. When the L-arginine to L-lysine ratio is high, viral replication is accelerated, but when the ratio is reversed such that L-lysine dominates, viral replication is inhibited. Studies using L-lysine to suppress herpes simplex have been rather inconsistent, but this may be due to confounding variables and methodological problems. Taken as a whole there is enough evidence to show that L-lysine could be beneficial to certain individuals. In this regard studies using 3000 mg per day showed beneficial effects, but those using 624 mg per day did not. This suggests that the dose administered is an important factor in effectiveness. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Singh, M., Pande, S. and Battu, S. 2011. Medicinal uses of L-lysine: past and future. International Journal of Research and Pharmaceutical Science. 2(4): 637-642

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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