Fenugreek Seeds and Resistance Training

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds have been shown to have beneficial effects on testosterone levels in human subjects. This may explain their ability to cause beneficial changes in body composition. This is in line with their use in traditional medicine as a treatment for low energy levels and physical performance. Another benefit of fenugreek seed may be their ability to increase the use of fatty acids as a source of energy and their blood lipid lowering effects. This is likely reflective of studies on humans that show body fat lowering effects of the supplement. In a study of healthy young males, fenugreek seed supplement showed beneficial anabolic and androgenic effects including reductions in body fat. Fenugreek seeds are high in steroidal compounds including saponins and glycosides such as diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens. These may act as precursors to sex hormones and this may explain the anabolic effects of the seeds.

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Wankhede, S., Mohan, V. and Thakurdesai, P. 2016. Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training: a randomized controlled pilot study. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 5(2): 176-182

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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