The Psychology of Weight Loss: Avoiding the Naysayers

whey proteinLosing body fat is a much easier task than the mainstream diet industry and most health ‘experts’ would’ acknowledge. Fat loss for most comes naturally when disease forming pro-inflammatory foods are exchanged for more healthy disease preventing anti-inflammatory alternatives. This change corrects the metabolic dysfunction that drives weight gain, particularly insensitivity of the insulin receptor. However, for the very overweight and obese, fat loss can be a daunting task when viewed in its entirety due to the slow rate of change and the amount of change that is required. It is highly likely that during this journey at certain time points, demotivation and negativity will creep into an individual’s thought processes. This is particularly likely after a setback or missed goal, and unfortunately this process for most is inevitable. Those people who are able to put such setbacks behind them and continue onwards on their journey are those that will, in the long term, show success with their body composition aspirations.

weight loss

The majority of people take comfort in their old habits and do not like change. When those around them try to improve themselves many react with negativity towards that individual. Be prepared for such negativity and where possible avoid it. If it cannot be avoided, learn to cope with it by dismissing it. Often such negativity is a form of jealousy, and as such it should be taken as a compliment. If you start to receive flak, you know you are over the target and on the right track.

However, while it is inevitable that setbacks and demotivation will occur organically from within the individual, it is highly important to avoid all extraneous sources of negativity that can fuel and magnify such thought processes. This World is full of people who want others to fail and many people have a handy knack of taking others down, often unknowingly. Avoiding such negative people is an important strategy in order to be able to maintain the positivity required to improve the body composition over time. If such people cannot be avoided it is important to make sure that what they say does not cause demotivation or distraction. Attempting to be less less sensitive to this sort of negativity is also important, and this can be achieved through positive repeated confirmatory acknowledgement to yourself about the progress you have made as well as about how you will achieve you next goal. Avoiding the naysayer who promotes failure and offers comfort in old habits will significantly improve your chances of success.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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