Do Flavonoids Have to Be Absorbed To Be Beneficial?

Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals that are structurally polyphenolic. This means they are made of numerous phenolic rings chemically bonded together. The structure of flavonoids is such that they contain a variable amount of hydroxyl groups and this gives them antioxidant activity. Fruits and vegetables are rich in flavonoids. Their antioxidant activity is thought to be one of their primary mechanisms of action. However, their bioavailability is not fully understood and it is unclear if the flavonoids or their metabolites are the active molecules that have biological effects. Some evidence suggests that flavonoids are able to affect the growth of bacteria in the gut, and may in particular modify the beneficial and harmful types of bacteria in such a way as to favour health. By increasing the amounts of beneficial bacteria in the gut flavonoids may therefore indirectly improve the health of the consumer as beneficial bacteria can play an important role in the immune system of the individual. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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