Can Glucosamine Sulphate Be Used As An Antidepressant?

Mood disorders including anxiety and depression are likely initiated by stress. The stress causes the release of cortisol, and the cortisol then causes cellular changes including the activation of inflammatory pathways. These pathways have a physiological function, and are required to combat infection or injury. However, if the stress is chronic or severe, inflammation associated with the large amounts of cortisol can have a number of detrimental effects including damage to brain tissue. Compounds with anti-inflammatory effects may be beneficial at treating mood disorders because they limit ior totally prevent this damage to brain tissue. Evidence suggests that glucosamine sulphate is an anti-inflammatory but it is unclear if it is beneficial against anxiety and depression. Taking glucosamine sulphate could potentially reduce mood disorders, or may provide protection from the detrimental effects of chronic stress. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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