Alkylresorcinols and Other Antioxidants in Grains

Alkylresorcinols are lipid polyphenols found in cereal grains. They may have potential health benefits because they are antioxidant nutrients. The presence of alkylresorcinols in grains makes them an excellent source of antioxidant nutrients. However, grains also possess other antioxidants. For example, some varieties of sorghum have higher anthocyanin concentrations than blueberries. Dark varieties of rice also contain high concentrations of antioxidants. Grains have long been overlooked as a source of dietary antioxidants, but recent nutritional evidence points to their high antioxidant content. Only whole grains retain their antioxidant potential. Refined grains contain very few antioxidants.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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