The Psychology of Weight Loss: Is Psychology Important?

whey proteinMany people are fixated purely on the physical realm that we live in and we call these people materialists. Science has actually become a religion and dogma has crept into its teachings such that to questions them invites derision. This is the antithesis of what science should be, but the irony is lost on those that worship its materialistic teachings. Materialists assure you that everything can be explained by a set series of chemical or physical reactions that can be measured, observed and computed. This may or may not be true, but growing evidence suggests that our perceptions, beliefs and thoughts, although unmeasurable, unobservable and uncomputable, are able to impact the physical World in which our reality is focussed. A materialist may tell you that weight loss is impossible through the power of the mind, something tangible and measurable must occur in order to catalyse the weight loss. However, the placebo effect proves that materialists are incorrect, and the mind can directly affect the physical form.

weight loss

The immaterial thoughts produced by our brains appear to be perfectly able to affect the physical realm. Materialism cannot explain this and so scientist simply ignore the problem where possible.

The placebo effect is the description given to the series of events whereby belief in a particular outcome, actually affects the individual enough to cause changes that manifest themselves in reality as physical changes. In fact, the placebo effect is so strong and so accepted by materialistic scientists that for any scientific study involving humans to be accepted as rigorous, a placebo must be used. The power of placebo and suggestion is so problematic that often the scientists themselves are blinded, whereby they are not given disclosure of the treatment for fear of influencing the trial indirectly. The irony that materialistic scientists use a system of control to remove the ability of the mind to affect the outcome of science is of course lost on them. However, the mind is indeed able to affect the body and where the mind goes, often the body will follow. Belief that fat loss is possible, a positive outlook, happiness, laughter, joy and commitment will therefore help you fat loss efforts far more than you think. Believe and achieve.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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