The Pharmacological Effects of Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketones are a group of phenolics found in raspberry fruits. They are also present in kiwi fruit, peaches and apples, and are available as dietary supplements. Raspberry ketones have a number of therapeutic effects in humans and animals and these include the ability to stimulate the metabolism of brown and white adipose tissue through the release of noradrenaline. Other effects include anti-androgenic, depigmentation, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects. Many of the effects of raspberry ketones likely stem from the anti-inflammatory and weight loss effects they have, as inflammation and weight gain is a major contributor of disease. It is likely that as more research is performed, novel health effects for raspberry ketones are discovered because of the underlying physiological ability to treat two of the main causes of disease. While many have dismissed the efficacy of raspberry ketones, it is clear that they have a significant effect in humans and animals. 

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Rao, S., Kurakula, M., Mamidipalli, N., Tiyyagura, P., Patel, B. and Manne, R. 2021. Pharmacological Exploration of Phenolic Compound: Raspberry Ketone-Update 2020. Plants (Basel, Switzerland). 10(7): p.1323

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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