Taurine Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Taurine supplements have been shown to have a number of health effects relating to the nervous system and cardiovascular system. This may relate to the ability of taurine to regulate cell osmolarity and thereby affect cell hydration. One physiological function that may be regulated by taurine is glucose homeostasis. However, the mechanisms of action are not fully understood. In animal models, taurine appears able to lower insulin levels and alter the receptors of insulin, suggesting that it can enhance the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. It has been suggested that this and other functions of taurine may relate to its ability to modulate intracellular levels of calcium. Another mechanism by which taurine may affect glucose levels is through changes in gene expression and regulation of insulin synthesis. This evidence taken as a whole suggests that taurine may modify insulin response through multiple mechanisms and that this may explain the cardioprotective effects of taurine in studies involving humans. 

Eat Well, Stay Health, Protect Yourself


Carneiro, E.M., Latorraca, M.Q., Araujo, E., Beltrá, M., Oliveras, M.J., Navarro, M., Berná, G., Bedoya, F.J., Velloso, L.A., Soria, B. and Martín, F., 2009. Taurine supplementation modulates glucose homeostasis and islet function. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 20(7): 503-511

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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