Non-Saponin Components in Ginseng

Panax ginseng is a medicinal plant that is known for its vitality giving properties. This relates to its content of steroidal saponins, which have adaptogenic properties in humans and animals. However, Panax ginseng also contains a large number of other phytochemicals that may contribute towards its medicinal effects. In particular, Panax ginseng has been shown to contain polysaccharides, peptides, alkaloids, polyacetylene, vitamins, mineral and phenolic compounds. Some of the medicinal effects attributed to ginseng include enhanced immunity, fatigue relief, memory, blood circulation, and anti-oxidation. But, it is not clear how these health effects relate to the steroidal saponin or non-steroidal saponin content of the plant. However, the non-steroidal components of the plant contain high amounts of antioxidants, and so it is likely that those effects that relate to reductions in oxidative stress may relate to the non-steroidal components, whereas the adaptogenic effects relate only to the steroidal saponin component. 

Eat Well, Stay Heal;thy, Protect Yourself


Hyun, S. H., Kim, S. W., Seo, H. W., Youn, S. H., Kyung, J. S., Lee, Y. Y.,  In, G., Park, C. and Han, C. K. 2020. Physiological and pharmacological features of the non-saponin components in Korean Red ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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