Lesser Known Facts About Nuts

Tree nuts are an important source of nutrients. In particular nuts are perhaps best known for their essential fatty acid content, in relation to walnuts, and their mineral content. The mineral content of nuts will vary depending on the soil they are grown in and they can contain a wide variety of minerals, but Brazil nuts are particularly known for their selenium content. Nuts are also rich in fat, and this high fat content puts many people off eating nuts as they feel that the high fat content will translate into a gain in body weight. However, nuts are associated with weight loss, and much of the fat content from nuts is not absorbed. Nuts are also high in fibre and this may explain some of the weight loss of nuts. Interestingly, peanuts, not true tree nuts but legumes, share many of the features of tree nuts including the lack of absorption of some of the fat content as well as the high fibre content. Adding tree nuts and peanuts to the diet as part of a healthy high quality diet is therefore something that should be considered for those interested in health. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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