Beetroot and Physical Performance

Beetroot are a source of nitrate that may have beneficial effects. Nitrates have a number of effects on physical performance that are of interest to athletes. This may relate to the way that beetroot nitrates are metabolised to nitrites, and then to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a significantly important second messenger that can affect cells in humans and animals. One possible effect for beetroot nitrates is in the modifying of skeletal muscle contractile proteins or through affecting the calcium required for skeletal muscle contraction. Another function of nitric oxide is that of blood vessel dilation, which may improve blood flow and thus may facilitate a greater transport of oxygen, glucose and amino acids to tissues, as well as decreasing blood pressure. Nitric oxide may also aid in tthe synthesis of anabolic hormones, and this may occur through the ability of nitric oxide to cause increased release of luteinizing hormone. Lastly, beetroot is rich in antioxidants and this may protect tissues from oxidative stress. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy Protect Yourself


Arazi, H. and Eghbali, E. 2021. Possible Effects of Beetroot Supplementation on Physical Performance through Metabolic, Neuroendocrine, and Antioxidant Mechanisms: A Narrative Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Nutrition: 8

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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