Vitamin C: Not Just An Antioxidant

Perhaps the best known nutritional role for vitamin C is as an antioxidant. In this role, vitamin C can reduce levels of oxidative stress and also plays a key role in certain reactions, most notably in the synthesis of collagen. However, vitamin C is also highly important in the maintenance of the immune system and may play a role in gene regulation. For example, vitamin C is required for the maturation of white blood cells in humans, and this is pivotal in the defence against pathogens. Vitamin C also accumulates in phagocytic immune cells  including neutrophils, where it enhances chemotaxis, phagocytosis, the generation of reactive oxygen species, and this is required to damage invading pathogens. In addition, vitamin C may also be involved in gene regulation, and in this way may be able to switch genes on and off based on environmental requirements through a process called DNA methylation. Supplemental vitamin C may therefore play a significant nutritional role beyond that of a traditional antioxidant. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Manning, J., Mitchell, B., Appadurai, D. A., Shakya, A., Pierce, L. J., Wang, H., Nganga, V., Swanson, P. C., May, J. M., Tantin, D. and Spangrude, G. J. 2013. Vitamin C promotes maturation of T-cells. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 19(17): 2054-2067
Carr, A. C. and Maggini, S. 2017. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients. 9. 1211: doi:10.3390/nu9111211
Blaschke, K., Ebata, K. T., Karimi, M. M., Zepeda-Martínez, J. A., Goyal, P., Mahapatra, S., Tam, A., Laird, D. J., Hirst, M., Rao, A., Lorincz, M. and Ramalho-Santos, M. 2013. Vitamin C induces Tet-dependent DNA demethylation and a blastocyst-like state in ES cells. Nature. 500(7461): 222-226

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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