To Supplement or Not To Supplement? That Is The Question

nutrition diet healthThe last two decades has seen an explosion in the availability of dietary supplements. Selling dietary supplements is a big business, and whereas dietary supplements used to be only available in specialised health food shops, now supermarkets and other high street shops are all selling many dietary supplements of various kinds. The availability of supplements has been accompanied by a huge increase in the availability of information describing possible effects and benefits to taking supplements, and this has been driven by the emergence of a functioning and widely available internet. In fact many dietary supplements are now bought online from retailers, and this has further increased the ease with which supplements can be used. While many claims are made for dietary supplement, it is important to take a step back and consider whether supplements should be taken. This Is particularly encouraged where claims are made by the vendors of the supplements, as often their interests are not the same as your own.

Dietary supplements are really an adjunct to a healthy diet. Their purpose is to provide additional nutritional support, where it is lacking in the diet. Dietary supplements are not an alternative to a healthy diet, and it is seeing them in this regard that can lead to their misuse. Where possible then, good nutrition should be obtained through a healthy, high quality, balanced diet. In most cases a good quality diet can provide most of the vitamin and minerals required for adults and children, as well as the daily requirement for protein and essential fats. There are certain metabolic diseases and conditions that may require the supplementation for specific nutrients, but generally a diet containing healthy foods should be adequate for most needs. Exceptions to this could be justified regarding certain minerals, and for those undertaking intense physical activity. In such cases a good quality multivitamin and mineral should suffice. Athletes may also require additional protein, and supplements can be useful in this regard.

dietary supplements

Dietary supplements should always be taken with care and always under supervision of someone that understands their use. Educating yourself in the correct use of supplements can therefore yield significant health benefits. However, there is no substitute for a good quality diet containing high levels of high quality foods.

Plants contain high amounts of antioxidant nutrients, and many of these have been isolated and are available as dietary supplements However, generally, much higher levels of such nutrients are available in high plant diets and supplementation is not only unnecessary, but also expensive. Herbs are also widely available as dietary supplements, and many people use them for their health effects. Herbs are more like medicine, in that they tend to be taken for specific health effects to treat specific ailments. In this regard, they can be highly useful nutritional supplements, although they should always be taken with a great deal of care and consideration. As medicines, they can have side effects, although these are generally much less than would be found with pharmaceutical drugs. Spices can also be used medicinally, but really spices are food and their use should be encouraged as part of a healthy balanced diet. The guided and careful use of supplements therefore has a place, but they should not be a substitute for healthy food.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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