Some Thoughts on Gluten Free Foods

Gluten free foods have become fashionable in recent years. Many people who are not coeliacs consume gluten free foods under the false impression that they can offer health benefits. For coeliacs gluten free foods are beneficial because the gluten in wheat causes damage to their intestines. However, for a healthy individual, gluten poses no threat whatsoever. Further, by their very nature, gluten free foods are wheat based products, or products containing wheat, with the gluten removed. As most people already consume too much wheat it is contentious as to whether they should be consumed as a fashion statement. Gluten free foods are also generally processed and this makes the de facto unhealthy food choices. In reality, even coeliacs could be better off avoiding wheat all together and concentrating their diets towards the consumptions of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are gluten free food choices and consuming them as a cornerstone to a diet negates the need to consider wheat altogether. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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