Ginseng G115 Extract

Panax ginseng is a plant with medicinal properties. The medicinal properties of the plant come from the phytochemicals it contains. These include the ginsenoside compounds that may act as the main active principle. In order to be able to obtain the medicinal effects of ginseng it is important that any extract taken contains therapeutic amounts of the correct ginsenosides. Ginseng G115 is a ginseng extract that has been developed and evidenced to possess medicinal effects. These effects include beneficial effects to blood glucose and lipid regulation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, energy, physical performance, and immune and cognitive functions. That is not to say that other extracts are ineffective, as many different extracts have been used in studies and shown to be effective. However, ginseng G115 extract has been repeatedly shown to be both safe and effective and so is a good extract to use for those that perhaps do not know how to verify the effectiveness of other extracts of ginseng. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Bilia, A. R. and Bergonzi, M. C. 2020. The G115 standardized ginseng extract: an example for safety, efficacy, and quality of an herbal medicine. Journal of Ginseng Research. 44(2): 179-193

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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