Choline for Memory

Choline is an essential deity component sometimes grouped with the B vitamins. Choline and its metabolites are required for normal cell signalling, and choline can be metabolised to betaine, which is required for homocysteine metabolism and is an important methyl donor. While choline can be found in eggs, there is an argument that dietary supplements may be able to provide certain health effects. In particular, during pregnancy and lactation, body stores of choline can become somewhat depleted and this may necessitate increased dietary intakes. Athletes too may require higher amounts of choline due to their higher requirements for most nutrients. Choline is essential for normal brain function and evidence suggests that dietary supplements may improve memory. During pregnancy supplements, or higher dietary intakes of choline, may optimise the development of the brain of the foetus. This requirement for higher amounts of choline may also continue through childhood and into adulthood, as the brain develops further. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Zeisel, S.H. 2000. Choline: needed for normal development of memory. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 19(sup5): 528S-531S

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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