Rosa damascena and Citrus aurantium Aroma Improve Sleep

Citrus aurantium is commonly known as the bitter orange. The essential oil of bitter orange has medicinal uses because it contains a number of pharmacologically active ingredients including linalool and limonene. These aromatic substances are particularly relevant when bitter orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy. Rosa damascena (Damask rose) may also have therapeutic effects on account of the phytochemicals it contains, which include a high proportion of flavonoids. Both bitter orange and Damask rose are thought to possess sedative effects and may therefore be useful where improvements in sleep quality may be desirable. For example, one study investigated the effects of essential oils of Damask rose and bitter orange through inhalation as a 10 % solution added to the pillows of healthy subjects. Both essential oils improved sleep quality scores, but the Damask rose was significantly better at improving sleep efficiency, daytime disturbance and overall sleep quality. 

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Khalili, Z., Taraghi, Z., Ilali, E. and Mousavinasab, N. 2021. Comparison of the effect of aromatherapy with essential of Damask Rose and Citrus aurantium on the sleep quality of the elderly people. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. 8(1): 9

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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