When Is a Nut Not A Nut?

Tree nuts are an excellent source of nutrients including essential fatty acids, antioxidant phytochemicals, minerals and vitamins. This means that tree nuts can provide significant health benefits. Peanuts are not tree nuts but actually fall under the category of legumes. This means that peanuts come from the same family of plants as beans and peas. However, while peanuts may not be tree nuts, they do provide significant health benefits. One of the main benefits of legumes is their weight loss effects. This may derive from the fibre they contain. This fibre helps maintain a more even blood glucose level, and this can significantly reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance. As with tree nuts, peanuts are not fully assimilated during digestion, and a reasonable proportion of their energy is not absorbed. Therefore although they may contain a high energy content, packaging figures may be misleading. Peanuts can therefore be included as part of a healthy diet and should be considered a healthy food. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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