The benefits of Friendly Gut Bacteria

There are two main reasons for the benefits of gut bacteria, one is a direct effect of their existence and one is an indirect effect. The main direct effect of gut bacteria is that they provide a method of synthesising a number of nutrients that cannot be synthesised by the host. For example, gut bacteria synthesise short chain fatty acids for humans from non-digestible starch. This provides the host with a source of energy and short chain fatty acids may also have specific health effects. In addition, gut bacteria can synthesise a number of vitamins including vitamin B12 and vitamin K. The main indirect way that gut bacteria are able to improve the health of the host is by outcompeting harmful microorganisms from colonising the gut. Food sources are finite and the growth of the friendly gut bacteria can inhibit invasion by harmful organisms. In addition, the synthesis of an acidic environment through the production of short chain fatty acids may actually inhibit the growth of yeast such as Saccharomyces ceriviciae by creating a low pH. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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