Proton Load

Letter Nutritional scientists have recently acknowledge what has been known to nutritionists for many decades. That the ratio of dietary protein to potassium determines the acid load that is placed on the tissues through the blood, and that this in turn has a significant implication for the development of disease. Digestion, absorption and metabolism of protein in the diet results in sulphate production, which contributes to the total proton load in the plasma. In contrast, the intake of potassium in the form of fruits and vegetables causes production of alkali salts which can neutralise the proton load. Diets high in protein therefore cause acidification of the blood, which must be neutralised through ingestion of dietary potassium or through endogenous mechanisms. In the absence of dietary potassium, the minerals of the bones will be released to the blood in order to maintain optimal pH balance. As the process continues disorder of the bone develop such as osteoporosis.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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