Moringa oleifera: Anti-Anxiety Herb?

Moringa oleifera is a flowering plant that belongs to the Moringaceae family. Common names for the plant include the drumstick tree, moringa, the horseradish tree or Shevga. The plant is fast growing and drought resistant and is native to India. Moringa oleifera is widely cultivated as a vegetable for eating and as a traditional medicine. With regard to the latter it is thought that Moringa oleifera has beneficial mood elevating effects. For example, in one study researchers administered Moringa oleifera leaves to mice and observed their behaviour. Administration of the extracts significantly reduced the anxious behaviour displayed by the mice. Therefore extracts of Moringa oleifera may have significant anxiolytic effects in animal models of mood disorders, however it is unclear if these effects would translate into similar effects in humans. The researchers suggested that as Moringa oleifera potentiated the GABA drug baclofen, Moringa oleifera may work through the same neurotransmitter system. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Ingale, S. P. and Gandhi, F. P. 2016. Effect of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera leaves on pharmacological models of epilepsy and anxiety in mice. International Journal of Epilepsy. 3(1): 12-19

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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