Low Quality Food is Synonymous with High Energy Food

One thing that is often overlooked is that most low quality foods are also high energy foods. This is not a coincidence as the human taste is atoned to be receptive to fat and sugar. Both fat and sugar in combination create high energy foods that encourage the consumer to overeat. One of the main reasons for this is that both fat and sugar in combination act on the brain in a drug-like manner and are therefore physically addictive. This creates a vicious cycle whereby the consumers desire more and more of the food to satisfy their addiction. At the same time, the foods cause metabolic dysfunction that leads to poor health outcomes including weight gain through pro-inflammatory mechanisms. Often the amount of food eaten is blamed for the weight gain, and this is partially true. However, it is largely the poor quality of the food, including the lack of essential nutrients and antioxidants, as well as the hormonal response to such energy dense food that is the real cause of the weight gain. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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