Low Fat Diets and Mood

It is known that the dietary fat content of the diet can significantly affect the formation of certain hormones and may play a significant role in the mental state of the individual. A number of studies have assessed the effects of low fat diets on mental state and found that generally as the fat content of the diet decreases there are significant detrimental changes to the mood of the individual. For example, in one study researchers administered a diet containing either 41 % of energy from fat or 25 % of energy from fat to healthy women. In the low fat diet, feelings of anger and hostility significantly increased during the female subjects over the course of one month. The authors also measured the blood cholesterol of the subjects and found that there were no changes in the total cholesterol levels in the blood. The authors concluded that the low fat diet was able to significantly detrimentally affect the mood of the women, but that this was not related to the cholesterol content of the blood, but instead to changes in dietary fat. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Wells, A. S., Read, N. W., Laugharne, J. D. and Ahluwalia, N. S. 1998. Alterations in mood after changing to a low-fat diet. British Journal of Nutrition. 79(1): 23-30

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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