It Is Not Hard to See Why Western Lifestyle Diseases are Common

Western lifestyle diseases describe a group of disorders that are associated with certain lifestyle habits amongst Westerners. The most common Western lifestyle diseases are cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, obesity and type 2 diabetes. These diseases all have a common theme that they are associated with the development of inflammation. This is not surprising as the Western diet is a pro-inflammatory diet and is the cause of the inflammation that leads to the development of a significant number of diseases. The main problem with the Western diet is that people have become accustomed to the junk and fast food sold by mega corporations, and in this regard the pro-inflammatory foods that cause disease have become the cornerstone of the diets of many people. Consuming pro-inflammatory foods for decades eventually takes its toll, with the exact disease that develops likely dependent on the genetic make-up of the individual. Once these diseases develop they are very difficult to reverse and treat. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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