Is There A ‘Best’ Antioxidant?

Dietary antioxidants have been shown to promote health. This may relate to their ability to inhibit free radicals reduce oxidative stress. Most dietary antioxidants originate from plants, and this may be one reason that a high plant diet can improve health. Animals generate a number of different types of free radicals and other reactive oxygen species, and each type requires a different antioxidant to quench it. Therefore consuming a range of different dietary antioxidants, from a variety of plant foods, is the best way to promote health. In addition, some antioxidants are water soluble and some are fat soluble, and they tend to have different roles in the body. Fat soluble antioxidants accumulate in cell membranes, whereas water soluble antioxidants accumulate in the intra or extracellular fluid. Therefore both water and fat soluble antioxidants are required to protect the interior and exterior of the cell. All dietary antioxidants are therefore important, and the ‘best’ strategy is therefore a varied diet providing a variety of  antioxidants.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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