Hypnotic Effects of Rosa Damascena

Rosa damascena is a medicinal flowering plant that is used in traditional medicine for its anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic effects. Hypnotic effects are classed as those that induce sleep, and this can be useful in the treatment of mood disorders as they are often typified by an inability to sleep deeply or for long enough periods in order to fully recover. Rosa damascena acts on the central nervous system to cause hypnosis. In this regard, it may work directly on the pituitary and hypothalamus. Studies have investigated the hypnotic effects of rosa damascena extract on mice and observed that sleep time is extended to a similar extent as when the mice are administered the pharmacological anxiolytic agent diazepam. Therefore extracts of Rosa damascena may have similar hypnotic effects to mainstream pharmacological agents. However, one important difference is the safety. While diazepam is associated with a risk of overdose, no such risk is associated with the use of Rosa damascena extracts. 

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Rakhshandah, H. and Hosseini, M. 2006. Potentiation of pentobarbital hypnosis by Rosa damascena in mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 44: 910-912

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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