How Much Water Should you Drink?

weight lossThe truth is that the amount of water you need each day varies depending on a number of factors including how much activity you perform, your genetics, the temperature and the amount of water you obtain from your food. One of the best ways to tell how much water you require is the colour of the urine. Dilute urine should be a pale colour, and as the urine becomes more concentrated the colour darkens. The darker the urine the more concentrated the urine is with salts, and other biological waste material, and this is a sign that dehydration of the body tissues is occurring as the body attempts to retain liquid. Another sign that you are adequately hydrated is frequent requirement to urinate. As the body becomes dehydrated it will attempt to retain water and this will reduce the requirement to urinate. A clear urine and a requirement to urinate frequently are therefore the best indicators that the body is adequately hydrated and the best way to determine additional water requirements.


Caffeine can increase urination frequency because it is a diuretic. Although it can increase the amount of urine passed, it is doing this at the expense of the hydration of the body tissues. If caffeine is a part of your diet, you may require additional water to compensate for the diuretic effect. Dandelion is also a diuretic and can have the same effect as caffeine. There is no right or wrong amount of water to drink. In fact, the amount of water you drink each day will vary considerably depending on the environmental conditions.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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