How Damaging Is Stress?

One of the keys to a healthy life is the avoidance of unnecessary stress. Stress is defined as any condition, either perceived or real, that disrupts the body’s homeostatic mechanism. When stress is experienced, the stress hormone cortisol is released. Animals have a similar stress reaction, but in the case of non-human mammals they release corticosterone, not cortisol. Stress does not have to be detrimental, and in fact limited exposure to stressors can cause adaptations that increase the resistance of the host to withstand adverse conditions. However, stress becomes problematic when it is chronic and restoration periods are not long enough to allow recovery from the stressor. Cumulative stressors of different or the same kind can lead to a gradual deterioration of health through repeated activation of the stress system and increasing cortisol levels. Current recommendations are to avoid unnecessary stress and to make sure adequate restoration time is obtained following any major and prolonged stress event. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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