Green Leafy Vegetables: Rubiscolin-6

Greeny leafy vegetables are a rich source of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. The phytochemicals in green leafy vegetables may play a significant role in their health effects, although some of these are less well characterised that other nutrients. Greeny leafy vegetables contain an enzyme called rubisco, and this enzyme is the most abundant protein known to man. When plants are consumed the rubisco in the leaves is digested a number of products including rubiscolin-6 and rubimetide are formed. Both these compounds may have particular health effects including the ability to reduce anxious behaviour in animals. For example, in one study, mice that were administered rubimetide showed significantly less anxious behaviour when they were exposed to experimental stress, when compared to control animals. These effects were evidenced to occur through interaction with the dopamine D2 receptor and through modification of the prostaglandin DP1 receptor.

rubimetide spinach mood anxiety

Rubimetide may have particular effects on mental health due to ins ability to modify physiological responses in the central nervous system. This may some of the mental health benefits of diets high in plant foods, particularly green leafy vegetables.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Zhao, H., Ohinata, K. and Yoshikawa, M. 2008. Rubimetide (Met-Arg-Trp) derived from Rubisco exhibits anxiolytic-like activity via the DP1 receptor in male ddY mice. Peptides. 29(4): 629-632

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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