Do You Really Need To Eat Meat?

Humans are omnivores, which means they have anatomical adaptations to consume both animals and plant foods. There is controversy about which diet may provide the greatest health effects, and in reality there is probably not one single diet that can be said to be superior to others. This is based on the fact that people show genetic variation in their biochemistry and have different requirements for certain nutrients. The best diet is therefore the diet which works best for your own needs. Some choose to eat only plant foods, and they can obtain good health as long as the foods they choose are of high quality, and consideration is given to obtain all the required essential nutrients. However, the question remains, is it beneficial to eat meat? Some evidence certainly suggests it is, as many nutrients in meat are not present in plants, especially haem iron. Eating high quality meat in addition to a mainly plant based diet rich in fruit and vegetables is probably the diet most likely to lead to the most significant health benefits. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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