Chronic Inflammation: The Gut Connection

Chronic low level inflammation is a significant cause of disease. Many diseases that develop as a result of the Western lifestyle and diet develop as a result of inflammation. Inflammation is detrimental because it causes cellular metabolism to change and in the short term this can be beneficial, but in the long term the homeostatic disruption leads to cellular deterioration and disease. One of the main causes of chronic inflammation is related to the microbiota of the gut. Certain detrimental bacteria can inhabit the gut where they metabolise nutrients to produce chemicals that can directly cause inflammation. These chemicals include ammonia, amines, phenol and sulphides. The best way to protect from these detrimental effects of damaging bacteria is to eat a healthy diet. When a healthy diet is consumed that is rich in plant foods, beneficial bacteria that produce beneficial chemicals outcompete the detrimental bacteria for food, limiting their number and reducing the production of the pro-inflammatory chemicals. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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