Are there Nutritional Advantages to Being a Vegan?

Veganism has become popular in recent times and there is a lot of information and misinformation regarding the benefits of the diet. Clearly there are certain parts of the diet of a vegan that become deficient compared to an omnivore and these need to be carefully considered. Shortfalls in iron, carnitine, creatine, vitamin B12 and total energy have been identified as being potentially detrimental in a vegan diet. However, there are some advantages to consuming a vegan diet. One of the main advantages is that the amount of plant foods increases and this causes a concomitant increase in the main nutrients in plants, particularly fibre and phytochemical antioxidants. Vegan diets therefore tend to be much higher in fibre and antioxidants compared to non-vegan diets. Another potential benefit is the avoidance of toxins and pesticides in animal foods. Plants tend not to accumulate environmental toxins to the same degree as plants and this reduces the toxic burden on the consumer. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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