A Core Diet of Healthy Basic Food

whey proteinMaintaining a high quality diet can be incredibly difficult in the modern Western World. Nearly every person eats a typical Western diet and most are content to consume low quality but tasty foods, often to the detriment to their health. This means that obtaining high quality foods can sometimes be difficult. Situations such as travel, family events, celebrations and work days can require a minefield of low quality foods be run, and in such occasions it is often not possible to obtain all the high quality alternatives that are desired. Further, life is often very busy and this can lead to diminished times for food preparation and purchasing, which can further add to the difficulty of maintaining a high quality food intake. Lastly, some high quality foods are expensive and this can mean that not all the foods that are desired can be eaten within the household budget. It is therefore very important to learn to prioritise such that a core of high quality but simple and cheap foods are always available, and to these can be added when necessary, more difficult to prepare or obtain foods as and when time and finances permit.

fruit and vegetables

Prioritising the basics is highly important. There are many health foods that can be eaten, but a core of basics must make up any healthy diet. This will not only make shopping easier and the same basics will repeatedly be purchased, it also allows a basic level of nutrients to be provided as a basis for building good health. The exact makeup of such a core diet will vary between people and an example is given in this article. To this basic diet, other healthy foods can be added as and when appropriate.

A well stocked larder of basic and cheap foods such as potatoes, carrots, onions, and other vegetables, along with a well stocked fruit bowl is a considerable help. Not only will these types of foods allow quick and easy meals to be prepared at home, the fruit is easy to pack into a bag to take to work or on a trip. These foods provide a base to a healthy diet and will provide nutrients, particularly antioxidants. Fruits such as apples, oranges and bananas should make up the cornerstone of any health eating plan because they are both cheap and highly nutritious. Vegetables can be a little more difficult to prepare, but potatoes can be baked in the oven while other activities are performed, and vegetables such as carrots and onions are easy to add to casseroles, again which require little preparation and can be cooked while other things are done. Some meat or fish should also be kept and this can include chicken, red meats or fish. Choose that which is preferred and that which is practical for particular needs. Tinned fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon is also useful to keep as it is very easy to prepare and has a long shelf life.


Eggs are such a versatile food. Boiled eggs can easily be taken on trips or to work to provide high quality protein and fats. They even have their own outer container to protect the food within from dirt and germs.

Whey protein is also a very useful tool and should be prioritised in any diet. Not only will it provide high quality protein at a fraction of the price of most meats, but it also has immune stimulating and antioxidant effects. It can be readily made into a smoothy with the fruit described above and this put into a container and carried almost anywhere. For this purpose milk is highly useful as it provides not only a base to such drinks but can also be a useful snack in itself. Eggs too are highly versatile and any person serious about a high quality diet should incorporate eggs into the diet. Boiled eggs can take just a few minutes to prepare and can easily be eaten at home or taken to work. They provide a good source of protein that can often be difficult to find when on a trip. Prioritising healthy drinks and clean water should always be a high priority. Tea and coffee can be a healthy drink, but avoid instant coffee which is freeze dried as it loses much of its nutritional benefits when processed in this way. Clean water is increasingly difficult to find, but always make sure it is fluoride free. Water should taste clean and pure. If it is not reject it.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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